A Campaign to Reduce Falls Among Elderly
June 23, 2015
News for People with Disabilities
How to Make Your Bathroom Safe for Senior Citizens
Bathing and other related activities can be especially more difficult to senior citizens. Especially to those individuals with disabilities, bathrooms can be very hazardous. Here are some tips on how to keep your bathroom not only attractive but also safe for elderly people. – Install grab bars and other safety features to reduce the risk…
June 11, 2015
Home Safety NJ
Educating and Protecting Seniors from Scams
Phone and online scams are some of the most common issues seniors face when it comes to their security. According to Cst. Linda Burns, scams of all sorts have become one of the major issues she has been dealing on a regular basis. In Canada, they are difficult to prosecute because the perpetrators often operate…
June 10, 2015
Home Safety NJ
Fitness Activities for Senior Citizens
Having an active lifestyle for senior citizen can be very challenging. As they age, their bodies become more susceptible to arthritis, joint pains and other health problems. To help maintain a healthy body, here are some activities that seniors can easily do in their homes. – Balancing such as walking on an uneven sidewalk, standing…
June 9, 2015
Home Safety NJ
Aging Mastery Class for Seniors in Massachusetts
We’ve heard countless times that “it’s never too late to learn something new.” And this is definitely true, especially for some seniors from Massachusetts who can even say that it’s never too late to go to school. Several seniors graduated from an Aging Mastery Program last May 28 at the Concord Council on Aging. Classes were…
May 31, 2015
News for People with Disabilities
Delicious and Healthy Meal Ideas for Seniors
As seniors age, their nutritional needs and appetites change. These may all be affected by their own preferences, medication side effects or health conditions. This may be a challenge for family members or caretakers who prepare their meals or the seniors themselves who still like to cook their own food. To get you started on…
Home Safety NJ
Does Aging Buy You a Ticket to Crankytown?
Do people really get crankier as they age? Deborah Gaines writes about her mother as the latter goes through life walking out of a Torah study group, and losing patience over inanity, dim lighting, bad weather, and most technology. While studies show that 65-year-olds and older belong to the happier and more satisfied spectrum, Gaines…
May 25, 2015
News for People with Disabilities
TRIAD for Protecting Seniors Against Advantage Takers
One of the major objectives of TRIAD is to help senior citizens overcome the risks of financial fraud. In a recent conference held by the Isle of Wight SALT, seniors were found to be “valuable, but vulnerable” and meriting particular consideration for protection. But, while it can be reassuring to learn that there are organizations dedicated to…
May 18, 2015
Home Safety NJ
Oral Health for Senior Citizens
Oral health is a very important aspect of our lives at any stage. According to experts, it actually becomes critically important for elderly people. As seniors lose their teeth and rely on dentures, keeping dental implements in good working order is very important. People who wear dentures are actually prone to cuts and infections on…
May 14, 2015
Home Safety NJ
Dementia and Knowing When to Quit Driving
One of the things greatly affected by a person’s dementia is his driving performance. If you are not sure about the right time to ask your elderly loved one to quit driving, here are a few pointers: accompany them while driving and watch out for warning signs. if he is still capable of driving, recommend…
News for People with Disabilities
Help Seniors Be Aware of the Dangers of Falling
Falls are among the most serious risks for independent senior citizens. If you are worried about the safety and security of your elderly parents in their home, it is important that you voice out your concern and help them in improving their living conditions. Here are some things that you should encourage them to do:…
Home Safety NJ
Apple and IBM Serve Japan’s Elderly Community
Apple and IBM recently announced a partnership with Japan’s largest health and life insurance company Japan Post Group as they aim to provide iPads and specialized apps to Japan’s elderly community. The service will include “all the system’s native apps and a collection of elder-care applications developed by IBM Global Business Services”. While it pioneers in Japan, the long-term…
News for People with Disabilities
CES Features Tech for Senior Citizens
At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, one section was devoted mainly for technological devices created especially for the over-65 crowd and for their caregivers: QuiKiks shoes or “hands-free shoes” make sliding your foot in much easier Whill, a “personal mobility device” that features a four-wheel drive system, ruggedwheels and a high base for…
April 30, 2015
Home Safety NJ
4 Basic Exercises for Senior Citizens
Kaiser Permanente physician Jaza Marina, M.D. says that it’s never too late to start exercising, and when it comes to senior citizens, it’s only a matter of finding a routine that’s comfortable and manageable for their age, medical condition and physical capabilities. WPTZ.com shares 4 basic exercises to help seniors improve strength, balance: Knee bends Heal raises…
Home Safety NJ
Program Pairs up Seniors with Students to Create Art
In 2007, Dr. Elizabeth Lokon started a program called Opening Minds through Art program at Miami University. Its mission is to help seniors overcome cognitive barriers by pairing them up with students and allowing them to create art together. “I developed such a good friendship with my friend David and I absolutely love what O.M.A. does…
Home Safety NJ
Driving Tips for Seniors with Dementia
If you have an elderly loved one who is still behind the wheels, knowing when to stop driving is very important. Most of the time, senior citizens don’t actually realize that their driving skills deteriorate over time from the disease. As you work closely with his doctor to monitor his driving, here are some tips…
Kitchen Safety Tips for Seniors
It doesn’t matter how old we are, but as adults we want to keep our independence, even if we are well in our senior years. Aside from being able to use the bathroom on our own, do little household chores, and other usual acts of daily living, we don’t want to be kept away from…
Home Safety NJ
Homes Built for Seniors
As people age, it’s inevitable that homes that used to be their safe havens become hazardous and places where accidents are prone. The presence of stairs, multiple levels, bathrooms prone to slipping, and areas that are difficult to maneuver around make homes dangerous for older adults. So when the time comes, it’s important for families…
News for People with Disabilities
Fall Impact and Prevention Among Senior Citizens
Falling accidents can cause serious injuries, and lead to major problems to our elderly loved ones. Whether they are induced by physical conditions, or by hazardous situations, the necessary measures should be implemented in order to prevent or mitigate their occurrences. Encouraging your elderly loved to communicate his experiences on falling accidents can help in…
April 21, 2015
News for People with Disabilities
Securing the Safety of Independent Elderly Loved Ones
Through certain circumstances, some of us may find that our senior citizen loved ones have succumbed to living alone. Now, whether this was a personal choice, or simply due an unfortunate lack of candidates to serve as their companions, it is still our duty to ensure that they are safe and comfortable while living independently:…
News for People with Disabilities
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