Give your Home Its “Value” Through Home Automation System
From artistic landscaping to interior design, there are various ways for you to improve your home and subsequently increase its value. But with a home automation system, people can remodel their homes without having to spend so much money. A home automation system offers great convenience as it allows customers to change the temperature, check…
Home Safety NJ
Home Remodeling: Making Your Home More Accessible for Seniors
Home remodeling can be very expensive and can even get more costly if you need to put up a place for a parent with mobility issues or seniors with pressing health problems where medical attention could no longer be provided by the family. And because many decisions are made in times of crisis, it is…
April 24, 2013
Home Safety NJ
Nutritional Issues of Seniors in Canada
Statistics of Canada show that lots of seniors can’t afford to buy healthy food. This information was gathered by Canadian Community Health Survey for the year of 2008 and 2009. Most of the seniors who responded to the survey said they rarely ate fruits and vegetables, avoided cooking, and sometimes skipped entire meals. Instead they…
Home Safety NJ
Ways to Reduce Cardiac Problems in the Elderly
As individuals age, they become prone to a throng of different illnesses and even injuries. One example of one that can be very dangerous and life-threatening is heart disease. In fact, more than any other age group, the elderly are more prone to cardiac problems. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean that old age is a hindrance…
. April 20, 2013
Home Safety NJ
Many Seniors Find Themselves Alone
as they Age
It has been reported that increasing number of seniors find themselves alone as they age. As a result, their health declines, whether they’re estranged from family or have never married or had children. Experts say that it is hard for the elderly to find someone they can trust to take on financial and medical powers…
. April 15, 2013
Home Safety NJ
Seniors Get Cuts on Social Security Checks
If President Obama’s budget proposal gets approved, then seniors would be facing some hard times. That’s because under the proposal, they are supposed to get cuts on their social security checks. That can be a huge blow for them since most seniors rely on social security checks for the most basic of needs. The aim…
.April 11, 2013
Chair Lifts NJ
Elderly Man Rescued from a Blaze
An old man in his 90s suffered “moderate smoke inhalation” after a fire broke out in his Clarkston Road home. Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokeman said there were no suspicious circumstances involved as to what caused the fire. Four appliances were dispatched from Castlemilk, Govan and Springburn community fire stations. Six firefighters were needed…
. April 8, 2013
Chair Lifts NJ
Annual Testing for Dementia May Prevent Decline
A new U.S health law was passed that includes yearly check-ups to assess cognitive impairment, thinking capabilities and memory to be covered under Medicare. All of these measurable changes are all signs that may predict a person’s risk for dementia. While dementia, a group of symptoms that impairs memory, thinking, language, judgment and behavio—ultimately a person’s…
April 3, 2013
Home Safety NJ
Modern Senior Citizens Want Fun and Comfort in Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Back in the day, old people who didn’t have family to care for them used to put put in depressing, nightmarish concrete block hospital warehouses to live out the last quarter of their lives, lacking the pampering and care they deserved. Fortunately, most of the older people nowadays don’t experience this kind of living situation. On the…
. April 2, 2013
Chair Lifts NJ
Home Safety for Aging Parents
You can take simple steps to protect your family as well as support your aging parents and relatives in creating a secure environment. The older you get, the more important proper lighting becomes. In addition to adequate general lighting, it is recommended that you: Have a second light source shining directly on what you need…
Chair Lifts NJ
Home Safety Checklist for Seniors
As we all get older, housing is especially important. It serves as a storehouse of memories, provides the major location for family interaction, and is the major financial asset for most families. It is a place of comfort and gives a feeling of independence. We must feel safe and secure in our home in order…
Chair Lifts NJ
How to Provide Safety and Convenience to Seniors at Home
When living with a senior adult, there are a number of things you can do to make moving around and doing activities not only safer but simpler as well. When they can easily access objects, move around and finish a task, they gain a better sense of well-being and independence. Here are some of the…
. March 6, 2013
Wheelchair Ramps NJ
Importance of Preventing Falls
in the Elderly
Aside from serious illnesses, one of the most dreadful things to occur to a senior are falls. Unlike younger individuals, senior adults don’t take falls too well as their weakened structure can only take so much impact. It’s no wonder one of the first few things doctors ask when seniors visit their clinic is if…
March 6, 2013
Chair Lifts NJ
The Grand Opening of Logan Township Senior Citizen Center
Around 10 years ago, the old Bridgeport School House was falling apart but now has a new life as a senior citizen center. It was built in 1867 and served as a school over 90 years later. It was then renovated to become the township’s municipal building. In 1995, when the municipal offices moved further down Main…
. May 9, 2013
Chair Lifts NJ
Making Bathrooms Safe for Seniors
As people reach their senior years, the importance of safety reaches a whole new level. Because our bodies become more fragile during our senior years, falls can cause serious and even fatal injuries. The elderly can’t recover as easily or as well as younger adults when they experience the impact of a fall so extra…
. March 6, 2013
Grab Bars NJ
Safety Tips for Apartment Renters
Most of the apartment safety and security issues can be addressed by the owner, landlord or apartment staff. However, there are certain steps that each renter should learn to ensure their home is safe and secure. Here are several apartment safety tips for renters: Secure your doors and windows, it should be easily opened and…
March 6, 2013.
Chair Lifts NJ
Cost-Effective Ways to Make Homes Wheelchair Accesible
Wheelchairs are a necessary and handy tool that make moving around and acts of daily living possible for the seniors, ill or handicapped. However, when people are confined to the use of a wheelchair, whether temporarily or permanently, moving around can be tough especially in places that aren’t built for wheelchairs. It can also be…
Chair Lifts NJ
New ‘Wonderwall’ to Assist Elderly Living at Home
Researchers from Munich University of Technology (TUM) have created a “wonderwall” that revolutionizes elderly care. This high-tech wall provides assistance in everyday tasks and even monitor their health. It can find misplaced glasses or keys, and check blood pressure and sugar-levels. In case of an emergency, it can even call the doctor. It features an “indoor positioning…
. March 6, 2013
Grab Bars NJ
Home Safety Tips for Seniors
Seniors, with their lessened alertness and increased fearfulness, often become victims of crime. Even if they aren’t targeted by opportunistic criminals, seniors often become paranoid of their surroundings and need to be cautious of their surroundings. To assure seniors that no harm can come to them, here are a few home safety tips they can…
. March 4, 2013
Home Safety NJ
Benefits of Hearing Aids
Wheelchairs make lives easier for those who can’t stand on their two feet. They come in various styles and sizes, catered to the needs and even tastes of their occupants.They make lives of those in need of its assistance incredibly fulfilling and independent. However, despite these devices specifically made to make lives easier and safe…
Home Safety NJ
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