How Can Seniors Avoid Falling Victim to Financial Schemes?
Senior citizens tend to become less informed about the happenings in their surroundings especially when they have retired. This makes them more vulnerable to schemes pulled by various advantage-takers who hope to make easy money by tricking individuals who are not familiar with their line of work. Advance fee, telemarketing, and anti-aging product schemes are…
Home Safety NJ, News for People with Disabilities
Dealing with an Elderly Hoarder
Hoarding behavior is a difficult condition to cope with not only for the doer but also for the people around him. If you’re caring for a senior citizen who is a compulsive hoarder, there are three approaches that you should carefully observe: respect; a level of control; and professional help. These three measures can help…
March 19, 2014
News for People with Disabilities
NCDOT Safety Meeting for Older Adults
Identity theft and other forms of financial exploitation over the web are things that every senior citizen should watch out for. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) holds a meeting focusing on the said issues and providing useful information that can serve as guidance to every household especially those with senior citizens. Find out how…
Coping with Cold Weather for Seniors
Winter can be a pretty difficult season for seniors, especially for those who have very low tolerance for the cold. Fortunately, the Hands Off Our Holidays websites has provided a list reminders that every senior citizen should keep in mind when exposing themselves to the cold winter weather: Wear protective gears at all times such…
Home Safety NJ
Avoiding Falling Accidents During Winter
Numerous studies indicate how falling accidents pose great threats to the safety of senior citizens in their homes, and the risk becomes even more alarming during the cold season. Comfort Keepers offers some winter home safety tips to their elderly readers: Make exercise part of your everyday routine. Have your eyes checked regularly. Be meticulous…
Home Safety NJ
Maintaining a Safe Environment at Home for Seniors
Promoting home safety especially for senior citizens means investing on a design that best suits the needs of the latter. Seaside Courier has the following tips for its readers: Invest on safe, fool-proof materials inside the house, such as circular tables without glass. Keep the walkways well lit and free of clutter at all times….
Home Safety NJ
Home Maintenance for Seniors
While every home requires intensive maintenance in order to keep it functional and its inhabitants safe, senior citizen homes may require even greater care as their occupants become more fragile and their senses become less keen. Here are some measures that should be taken: Regularly inspect your home and check for signs of damage and…
Home Safety NJ
Seniors Remember the Old Days
Seniors from the Gahanna Senior Center members visited Lincoln Elementary School. They also paid a visit to the newly restored one-room Jefferson Township School No. 2. That was part of the partnership between the school and the senior care center. Seniors remembered the days when they studied at the one room facility and they toured…
Home Safety NJ
Seniors on Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels have been serving seniors since the 1960s. The program aims to deliver hot meals to those in need on a daily basis. Many seniors are unable to go out to get meals specially on cold weather. A lot of seniors are dependent on the program so they could get by. According to…
Home Safety NJ
Social Interaction Boosts Mental and Emotional Health of Seniors
Seniors like to group together. What you may not realize is how important that sort of interaction for them is. It can actually boost their mental and emotional health. The connection between social interaction of seniors and their mental health was recently shown by research. According to an article from, “Because the chance to…
Home Safety NJ
Frequently Answered Questions:
Ramps and Wheelchairs
People with disabilities, physically or not, are still human beings with hearts and feelings. Judging and discriminating them because of their inabilities is transgression in its own sense. Imagine the same thing happening to you or your loved one, unfortunate and desolating isn’t it? If you know someone suffering from disabilities, understanding the following context…
March 7, 2014
Wheelchair Ramps NJ
Is Growing Old a Disadvantage or Not?
Growing old is a phase in life that affects everyone, rich or poor. It is something that is unavoidable. Of course, senior citizens have different outlooks on this stage. Some believe that growing old can be beneficial while others think it is detrimental. But nobody, not even modern technology can stop aging. The truth of…
February 25, 2014
Home Safety NJ
CNN Report on ‘Dementia Village’
Attending to an elderly loved one’s normal needs can already turn out to be quite a challenge for many caregivers but imagine if he or she also suffers from some chronic illness such as dementia — for many people, the task becomes even more unbearable that they resort to sending their parents or grandparents to…
Home Safety NJ
Simplifying Your Life to Address Your Needs
In many cases, particularly for seniors, there comes a time that they realize the need to simplify their lives — whether due to financial reasons, health conditions, recent retirement, and other reasons. While this may be much easier said than done, there are many methods which can allow a person to succeed in this endeavour….
News for People with Disabilities
Disabled Teenager Receives a Stair Lift
as a Gift
A sixteen-year-old boy living in Dunscroft named Joshua Fox has been suffering from Crohn’s disease for more than 14 of his life. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease affecting the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the person’s anus. This disease also makes it painful for him to move due to aches in…
Stair Lifts NJ
Don’t Fall Victim to Schemes by Advantage Takers
People who are looking to earn easy-money rarely choose their victims. However, they seem to have taken a liking to senior citizens as more and more of the latter are falling victim to the crimes pulled by various advantage takers. Validate the identity of the person you’re transacting with before giving off personal and financial…
February 15, 2014
Home Safety NJ
Things Seniors Should Do to Stay Healthy
People often have to adjust their activities according to their age. While there are a wide array of activities that a young adult can freely do, especially one whose particularly healthy, as we grow older, the range becomes shorter and less variations are available. Here are some things that you should do in order to…
Home Safety NJ
Securing Home Safety for Seniors
There’s no question that home safety should be a priority among senior citizens. As people grow older, they tend to stay home more and this therefore calls for efforts to keep the house a safe and comfortable place to live in. Securing home safety involves the following efforts: investing in assistive devices such as non-slip…
Grab Bars NJ
Minimizing Fall Occurrence Among Seniors
It’s a given thing that most seniors have to make do with reduced income. But seniors in California are having a harder time. It has been revealed that the seniors living in the state are some of the poorest. The high cost of living in the state is causing problems for seniors. According to an…
Home Safety NJ
Seniors Are More Vulnerable to Cyber Crime
Despite their many benefits, certain technological advancements have lead to various problems, particularly to senior citizens. While many developments are realized in order to be of help to people, manufacturers have paid very little attention in making them more user-friendly and secure for older adults. Because of this, advantage-takers have considered the web an ideal…
News for People with Disabilities
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