How to Avoid Common Kitchen Remodeling Mistakes
Home remodeling can be a challenging project. A lot of things can happen during the construction process which can derail your budget plans. To help you avoid making any kitchen remodeling mistakes, here are some tips to keep in mind. Go for less expensive materials. Spend time planning the design and always stick to the..
November 16, 2016
Home Safety NJ
How to Live in Your Home During a Remodel
If you are looking into doing some addition to your home, you should know that this is not at all easy. Apart from the time and expenses involved, mishaps can also happen during the remodeling process. To help you reduce the amount of stress involved, here are some tips on how you can continue to…
November 14, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Fire Safety Tips for Your Home This Winter
The colder months are just a few weeks away which is why it is important that we start preparing our homes for the extreme weather. Below are some helpful tips that will help you ensure a safe and warm winter. Inspect your smoke detectors and make sure to replace the batteries. Have your chimney and…
November 11, 2016
Home Safety NJ
The holiday season is just around the corner. For many people, this is the perfect time to leave their homes and head out for a holiday vacation. But before you start packing your stuff, you might want to consider the following tips to ensure the safety and security of your own home. Install anti-theft devices…
November 8, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Bathroom Safety Design Tips for Seniors
We all know that elderly people are prone to slips and falls and bathroom is considered as one of the most dangerous rooms for them. To make sure that our elderly loved ones stay safe within our homes, here are some tips you can use when designing the bathroom. Get rid of all unnecessary..
Grab Bars NJ, Home Safety NJ
Simple Steps to Keep Your Home Safe
Before the temperature starts to drop, it is important for us to inspect our furnaces and make sure it is ready for the colder months ahead. Below are some easy steps you can take to make sure your home is safe this winter season. Have your furnace checked and cleaned by a reputable company. Replace…
Home Safety NJ
Tips on How to Keep Your Home Safe and Secure
With the increasing number of burglary incidents in various cities, taking precautions to protect not only your home but also your valuables is very important. Below are some tips on how homeowners can keep their house and family safe from break-ins. Secure the locks on very door and windows. Install anti-lift devices that will prevent…
.October 31, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Expert Tips on How to Protect Your Home
While you may not have castle walls to protect your property from burglars, a little planning can certainly help safeguard your home and personal belongings. Here are some tips to keep in mind that will help increase the safety and security of your own home. Install motion detectors outside your home. Set multiple light timers…
Home Safety NJ
Ways to Fire-proof Your Home
According to studies, bonfire night during Halloween can be particularly hazardous. And because of the number of house fire incidents all over the country during this time of the year, keeping your home safe from fire is very important. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind. Be sure not to overload your plugs…
.October 26, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Ways to Keep Your Home Secure Against Intruders and Burglars
According to police officer from the Community Service Division at the Chandler Police Department Kevin Quinn, there were 616 reported residential burglaries in 2015 and majority of which involved no forced entry. As a matter of fact, these burglaries can be prevented if only homeowners took the necessary precautions…
. October 24, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Protecting Your Home Against Burglars
Keeping your house safe from break-ins isn’t only applicable when nobody is left in your home. Whether somebody is at home or not, keeping unwanted intruders out of your home should be everyone’s priority. Here are some tips on how you can protect your own home from burglars.
.October 22, 2016
Home Safety NJ
How to Keep the Area Around Your Home Safe
If you are planning to put your property in the market, keeping it safe is also very important. To ensure the safety of your home as well as that of your realtor, here are some tips to keep in mind. Remove anything on social media with your name on it. Make sure anything valuable isn’t…
. October 20, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Tips on How to Prevent Fire at Home
According to police officer from the Community Service Division at the Chandler Police Department Kevin Quinn, there were 616 reported residential burglaries in 2015 and majority of which involved no forced entry. As a matter of fact, these burglaries can be prevented if only homeowners took the necessary precautions. To make sure that your own…
.October 15, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Fire Safety Tips for Your Home
As we celebrate National Fire Prevention Month, homeowners should start thinking about preventing fire all year long. Now to help you protect your own home against fire safety hazards, here are some tips to keep in mind. Take time to test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Replace the batteries of your smoke and carbon…
. October 10, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Ways to Keep Your Home Safe
When It Is Listed for Sale
If you are planning to put your property in the market, keeping it safe is also very important. To ensure the safety of your home as well as that of your realtor, here are some tips to keep in mind. Remove anything on social media with your name on it. Make sure anything valuable isn’t…
.October 1, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Protecting Your Home from Flood
During hurricane season, having flood insurance is actually very important. What many people don’t know is that home insurance only covers the water that comes from inside the home such as a broken pipe and anything that comes in from the outside of the house is covered by the flood insurance. When it comes to…
. September 27, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Tips on Protecting Your Home from Water Damage
During storm season, flooding and water damage are two of the most common concerns of many homeowners. Apart from making sure that your family is protected during a storm, here are some tips on how to protect your home against water damage. Make sure your home is safe from electrical hazards. Keep your AC running…
.September 25, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Ways to Secure Your Home from Intruders
With the increasing number of break-in incidents in the past few months, keeping your home safe and secure is very important. Below are a few ways to keep the intruders off your home. Lock all doors and windows. Take time to get to know your neighbors. Install lights outside your home. Install window and patio…
. September 23, 2016
Home Safety NJ
How to Protect Your Home Against Flooding
Storms and flooding during monsoon season can definitely take a toll on your property. Now if you want to make sure that your family and home are safe against flooding, here are some tips. Check your roof and foundation for leaks and cracks and make sure to fix them right away. Keep all your electronics…
.September 21, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Prepare Your Home for Hurricane Season
. September 19, 2016
Home Safety NJ