How to Keep Your Elderly Parents Safe at Home

Oftentimes, our elderly parents refuse to leave home for a senior citizens facility. While you may want to support them in their decision, it is also important that you ensure their safety inside your home. -          Make sure you clean your home and keep it...

Home Improvement Program Helps Seniors Upgrade Homes

As part of the senior citizen home improvement program in Perris, older adults who need their houses to be upgraded are provided with sufficient funds and support to do so. Eighty-year-old Maria Teresa Montes is among the already twenty beneficiaries of this program....

Preventing Stroke Among Senior Citizens

Stroke among seniors can be hereditary or it can be brought about by aging. In many cases, it can be avoided. However, there are multiple methods that can help you mitigate its occurrence: Keep your blood pressure at constant check and visit your physician regularly....

Home Maintenance Major Benefits for Seniors

Proper home maintenance can spell a great difference between a safe and comfortable senior citizen and a visit to the emergency room due to falling and other accidents. Here are a few tips for every senior citizen who wants to keep his home safe: Update your medicine...

Shifting to a Healthier Lifestyle for Senior Citizens

While it's more ideal to turn to a healthier lifestyle while we are young, it's never too late for senior citizens to change their perspectives on this matter. Here are a few tips to get you started: Major lifestyle changes may be called for once you turn fifty...

Summer Safety Tips for Senior Citizens

Heat exhaustion, heat stroke and dehydration -- these are the most common heat-related illnesses that senior citizens encounter during summer. In order to keep your senior citizen loved one safe from these complications, here are some tips from Have them drink...

Retirement Communities Development Inside Universities

Retirement communities are now becoming a common site within various universities, and senior citizens are able to revive old ties with their alma maters through these communities. Various senior citizens are asked about their views on this development and some...

Things We Should Consider as We Age

Health issues become even more problematic as we age. That's why, investing on healthy activities and practices can be the best way to go, especially for senior citizens. Here are a few tips on living a healthy elderly life: Subscribe to an exercise routine that's...

The Top Heart-Healthy Foods

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in men and women. Though there are factors that can’t be changed like family history, genetics, age, and gender, a change in lifestyle can reduce your risk of developing heart disease and other serious illnesses as well....

Ensuring Safety When Driving with a Senior Citizen

Whether you're driving a motorcycle or a four-wheel vehicle, you have to be very careful, especially when you have passengers – kids, adults, and senior citizens – on board. Carelessness on the road is wrong because you are endangering your life and that of your...

Ideal Gifts that Increases Senior Citizen Safety

Sometimes, when an elderly person is asked what gift he wants to receive for a special occasion, more often than not they will argue that they could not ask for anything more. If you still insist and want to surprise your loved one with a gift, here are some ideas...

Senior Safety at Home

As our elder loved ones age, their ability to handle common obstacles around the home may not be as good as when they were younger. We must take a good look at their homes and make sure they are living safe. Seniorizing their homes is not difficult at all. Even as...

Technology for Senior Citizens

Technology is not only for the younger generations. As a matter of fact, numerous developments have emerged catering to the needs of senior citizens or people who suffer complications associated to aging. These devices stretch from hearing aids to health tracking...

Avoiding Falling Accidents During Winter

Numerous studies indicate how falling accidents pose great threats to the safety of senior citizens in their homes, and the risk becomes even more alarming during the cold season. Comfort Keepers offers some winter home safety tips to their elderly readers: Make...

Avoiding Financial Schemes Targeting Seniors

Falling victim to various financial schemes is continually becoming a common occurrence of senior citizens. Here are some tips to make sure you never fall into one: Don't trust mails stating that you won the sweepstakes or lottery especially when you are being asked...

Maintaining a Safe Environment at Home for Seniors

Promoting home safety especially for senior citizens means investing on a design that best suits the needs of the latter. Seaside Courier has the following tips for its readers: Invest on safe, fool-proof materials inside the house, such as circular tables without...

Senior Citizen Safety Under the Sun

Aside from the natural consequences of aging, a senior citizen's lifestyle can also greatly affect his chances of making it through the summer heat. Various heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion, become common among the elderly, especially...

Senior Air Travel Tips

Air travel, especially long haul flights, can be quite stressful and tiring, especially for an elderly person who may not only face challenges that come with aging but is also burdened by illnesses and other physical limitations. However, this should not hinder a...