How to Keep Seniors Safe During Hot Weather
As we anticipate higher temperatures this summer season, the Departments of Human Services and Health encourage everyone to be mindful of our elderly loved ones. Below are some important tips to consider when trying to keep our seniors safe and comfortable throughout the warmer months. Let them drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic beverages….
September 12, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Safety Tips for Seniors This Summer
What most people don’t know is that the extreme weather can pose a number of health risks to elderly people. So before you head out for your summer activities, make sure you take steps to protect not only yourself but also elderly loved ones. Below are some tips. Drink plenty of water and other beverages…
July 25, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Tips on How to Keep Seniors Safe
Unfortunately, more and more people are falling prey to criminals. However, with these handy tips below, you can surely help keep your elderly loved ones safe and secure. Here is a checklist. Install good quality locks in your doors and windows. Never leave spare keys under a pot-plant or in the mailbox. Make sure that…
July 23, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Ways to Keep Your Home Safe While You Are Away
While many people are preparing for their summer vacations, they too shouldn’t forget to protect their home before travelling. And because July is reportedly the highest month for theft claims, people should make sure that their homes are safe and secure while they are away. Below are some tips on how to keep your home…
July 21, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Expert Tips on Keeping Your Home Safe
Summer is a perfect time to go on a vacation with family and friends. However, you shouldn’t also forget to burglar-proof your home before heading to your next summer escapade. Below are some tips on how to secure your unoccupied home. Put your lights on timer. Keep your blinds and shades open just enough for…
July 21, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Keeping Your Home Safe During Summer
According to the Bureau of Justice, there has been a significant increase in household property crimes during summertime in the recent years. Now to make sure that your home is safe and secured all throughout the summer months, here are some tips. Keep all windows and doors locked all the time. Close your garage door…
July 19, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Tips on How to Keep Your Home Safe from Burglars
One of the most important things you shouldn’t forget when going on a vacation is the safety and security of your own home. And because many people are leaving their homes in July and August, burglars are always on the lookout for their next victim. Below are some tips on how to keep your home…
July 17, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Tips on How to Burglar-proof Your Home
If you are planning to go on a holiday, keeping your home burglar-proof is very important. Residents are urged by police officials to take necessary precautions before leaving their homes. Now to help you secure your own property, here are some safety tips. Make sure all windows and entrances are closed. Secure your safes where…
July 15, 2016
Home Safety NJ
How to Safe Proof Your Home
Before heading off to your summer escapade, it is important that you check your home and safe proof it to avoid potential break-ins while you are away. We give you some safety tips that will help keep your home safe while you are gone. Unplug all your electrical appliances. Inspect your gutter and make sure…
July 13, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Tips on How to Keep Seniors Safe at Home
Older adults, especially our parents and grandparents, should commit to staying safe all year round by eating healthy food and engaging in regular exercise. Now to make sure that you elderly loved ones are safe in your own home, here are some tips for you. Clean your medicine cabinet and make sure to throw away…
Home Safety NJ
Ways to Keep Your Home Safe
More and more people are getting concerned with the recent increase in home burglaries these days. To make sure that you stay safe and your home protected all year round, here are some home safety tips. Keep all your doors and windows locked even when someone is at home. Install quality locks on your windows…
July 4, 2016
Home Safety NJ
How to Keep Your Home Safe This Summer
Summer isn’t all about barbecue parties in your backyard and playing catch on the beach. As everyone starts to get ready for the warmer days, we give you some tips on how to keep your home safe this summer season. Check your roof for damaged, missing or buckling shingles. Trim your trees to keep them…
July 4, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Home Electrical Safety Tips
One of the things you need to ensure is the safety of your family around electricity. When working with electricity, you need to always stay safe to prevent injuries and accidents. Below are some tips on how to keep your home electrically safe. Have a licensed electrician inspect your home for tripping circuits and non-functioning…
News for People with Disabilities
Ways to Keep Your Home Safe While on a Vacation
One of the most important things you shouldn’t forget in order to have a stress-free vacation is to keep your home safe and secure. According to experts, many people forget about home security especially when they are in the rust to get ready for their trip. Below are some tips on how to keep your…
Home Safety NJ
Tips on How to Keep Your Home Safe
During a Stormy Weather
Stormy conditions do not only cause damage to property but they can also injure people. Now to ensure that you and your family stay safe all throughout the stormy weather, here are some tips. Avoid staying in covered patios, open garages and carports during thunderstorm. Stay away from fences, clotheslines and exposed sheds. Stay away…
June 25, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Important Tips for Senior Citizens
Storms and hurricanes can be a distressing moment especially for seniors. Now to help prepare elderly people for these occurrences, here are some important tips. Inform your family and loved ones where you plan to go during a storm. Find your friends and family who can take you in an emergency. Make sure to make…
June 17, 2016
Home Safety NJ
How to Help Elderly Loved Ones Keep
Track of Their Medications
According to reports, double dosing is one of the most common medication errors among elderly people. And with so many products that they need to take, it can be really confusing among seniors to find the right medicine. Below are some tips on how to help your elderly loved ones keep track of their medications….
.June 14, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Ways to Improve Senior Home Safety
Falls at home are a pretty common scenario among senior citizens. As a matter of fact, falls are the leading cause of injury related deaths for elderly individuals. Now if you want to make sure that your aging parents and grandparents are safe at home, here are some tips that you can use. Install bathroom…
June 10, 2016
Home Safety NJ
How to Keep Your Home Safe While You Are Away
Summer season is a time for vacation with family and friends. But before you head out to your next escapade, you need to make sure that your home is safe and secure while you are away. Below are some important tips to follow that will help ensure home safety. Hide the car keys in a…
June 7, 2016
Home Safety NJ
Things You Can Do to Make Your Home More Secure
Break-ins can be very scary and truth is they can happen anytime. And because we spend longer periods of time outside our home, it is important that keep your house as secure as possible. Below are ways in which you can secure your own home. Install surveillance cameras for added security. Install a central alarm…
July 21, 2016
Home Safety NJ
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