Preventing Fire with Clothes Drier Safety Tips

Taking care of your clothes dryer is very important to your home’s safety. According to the National Fire Protection Association, failure to clean home dryers is one of the leading causes of home fires. Below are tips on how to clothes dryer fire. Have your dryer...

Fire Prevention Tips

Fire incidents have significantly increased over the past years. In 2015, the Bureau of Fire Protection has listed about 17,138 cases of fire incidents with damages and most of these accidents were due to electrical connections inside the home. To help keep your...

Keeping Your Home Safe While You Are Away

Spring is indeed the perfect time for everyone to go on a vacation. As everyone gears up for the spring break, authorities remind those who are leaving to keep their homes secure while they are away. Below are some home safety tips. Take all your valuables with your...

Home Safety Tips

Protecting your property from fire, flood and other hazard must be every in homeowner’s priority list. Apart from fire accidents, FBI recorded household break-ins as the most common threat to homes these days. To help you secure your own home, here are some tips....

Ways to Prevent Falls in Your Home

Millions of people each year, especially those aged 65 and older, end up in the emergency rooms due to injuries caused by falls and slips. However, there are a lot of ways you can do to avoid accidents such as these. Below are some tips. Arrange your furniture to...

Home Safety Tips

Making sure that your home is protected from flood, fire and other calamities is indeed very important. To help you ensure the safe of your own home, here are some tips. Remove your name from the mailbox. Don’t leave a key stashed under the pot or in any obvious...

How to Prevent Falls in Your Home

Each year, more and more people aged 65 and above end up in the hospital because of the injuries caused by falls and slips. To make sure that your loved ones are protected in your own home, here are some tips on how to prevent falls. Arrange your furniture in order to...

How to Protect Seniors from Scams

More and more seniors are embracing technology these days. While using social media and email to stay touch with family and friends is all good, seniors should take extra precaution because they often become targets by scammers and fraudsters. To help your senior...

Electrical Safety Tips

Electrical distribution and lighting equipment have been involved in numerous home fires year after year. According to authorities, they have caused death injuries as well as property damage. Below are some fire safety tips for your electrical system. -          Make...

Safety Tips for Your Home Heating Equipment

According to statistics, home heating fire deaths are usually caused by fires that began when flammable items are too close to heating equipment. To help protect your home from fire accidents, here are some tips. -          Use your oven only to cook food and not to...

Safety Tips for Your New-to-you Home

One of the most parts about getting to know your new home is its safety.  According to Capt. Rob Kivell of the Oak Bay Fire Department, prevention of the occurrence of fire starts with the home’s basic operations. Below are some fire safety tips that you need to take...

Tips on How to Prevent Home Fires

As temperatures start to drop, incidents of home fires increase. But then according to firefighters, there are a lot of simple ways to prevent such accident. Below are some tips. -          Check your smoke detector and make sure it is working properly. -         ...

Tips on How to Prevent Home Invasion

According to report, there have been several incidents of home invasion for the last couple of months. For one, this can be a frightening situation which is why the deputy from the Jefferson County offers some tips on how to react to home invasion. -          When you...

Safety Tips for Home Heaters

Using space heater is one of the common ways to ensure a warm and comfortable home during winter season.  However, according to U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, it is important that homeowners are cautious when using these heaters as they can cause fire at...

Tips for Home Heating Equipment

Because of the fact that U.S. fire departments are frequently called out to respond to non-fire carbon monoxide incidents during colder months, tips on home heating equipment is essential. According to report, half of all home heating equipment fires come from...

Tips on How to Keep Your Home Safe During Winter

Snow and ice can actually affect the operation of the meter and regulator. An exhaust vent, if left blocked, can also impact the performance of the furnace which may then lead to a carbon monoxide buildup inside your home. To ensure the safety of your home this winter...

Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

It is true that seniors and older people face serious complications from falls and slips. In the hopes of helping seniors improve their balance and strength, Private Home Health Care has conducted a presentation on “Fall and Prevention Tips and Improved Balance with...