Bone Health Education for Seniors

Seniors are prone to falling, which in most cases can cause serious harm to an elderly person, and can even be fatal at times. Example of that is bone disease. Studies indicate that more than a third of elderly above the age of 65 have suffered a fall, with half of...

IBHS Suggests Tips to Avoid Winter Fires

The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) is offering to guide residents about the different ways for avoiding home fires this fall and for the coming winter season. In a statement they released, “While space heaters, fireplaces and wood-burning...

Fire Safety Tips for Our Homes

A lot of fires happen at home. No less an authority than UAE’s Civil Defence has stated that in 2011, one third of all fires happened at home. That is a significant percentage of all fires and each household should definitely be aware of what to do in order to prevent...

Home Safety Habits for Everyone

Safety at home is a very real necessity. The very idea of a home that is not safe just seems so wrong, so knowing and then practicing simple safety practices is something that every one should do. Every household should develop their own safety practices that every...

Home Heating Fire Safety Tips

Fires and fire deaths nowadays are usually caused by faulty heating equipment, some were close to things that can burn such as upholstered furniture, clothing, mattress, or bedding. Because of these, the Mississippi State Fire Marshal’s Office advises people to follow...