High-Tech Gadgets to Monitor Seniors’ Safety

Motion sensors on the wall and a monitor under the mattress can automatically alert you to early signs of trouble before an elderly loved one gets sick or experiences a fall.

“It’s insurance in case something should happen,” said Bob Harrison, 85 years old about the unobtrusive monitors that are being tested in his apartment at the TigerPlace retirement community in Columbia, Mo.

Some companies are now offering monitor packages that place motion sensors on the front door, refrigerator, and even in their favorite chair to send an alert to a family member if there’s too little activity in a certain period of time. Other gadgets could make the pill bottles buzz when it’s time for a dose or send a text to a caregiver when a pill’s not taken.

Unfortunately, there are issues surrounding these gadgets like privacy and the costs. Different types of monitors on the market can cost about $70 to several hundreds plus you have to pay the monthly service plans.

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