Warren County Ceiling Lifts
As some people age, they can develop mobility issues. This can worsen until they are completely dependent on others to care for them. If you are taking care of a family member who relies on you, you need all the support you can get. Ceiling lifts can give you some support in lifting elderly people in and out of bed. You and any caregivers who help out will appreciate the support and assistance that these lifts can give. Many older people want to stay in their own homes, where they’re comfortable, and in familiar surroundings. Getting people in and out of bed, into wheelchairs, or to use bathrooms, should not be a Herculean task. Attaching a lift to the ceiling helps maneuver people in safety, and without straining caregivers. When purchasing ceiling lifts, NJ caregivers look for quality products and installation. Your local Warren County ceiling lifts company offers both.
Warren County Ceiling Lifts | Advantage of Permanent Lifts
Ceiling lifts installed permanently in the home have many benefits. They can benefit the user, no matter how high the ceiling in the home. Permanent ceiling lifts run on tracks attached to the ceiling, and only need one caregiver to operate. Because the lift runs up and down and sideways on the track, there is no need to push the user along. The person using the lift might even be able to operate such a lift single handedly. Permanent tracks can even run from room to room. This allows movement directly from the bed to the bathroom, or a stairlift at the head of the staircase.
Warren County Ceiling Lifts | Advantage of Portable Lifts
Portable lifts are more beneficial if the user is renting a home, and cannot install permanent track. They operate on a free standing frame, and usually stand over the bed for ease in lifting. They are also useful if the user is fairly independent, and only needs extra assistance getting in and out of bed. Mobility differs from person to person, and their personal assistance needs vary with it. Because these needs vary so much, the range of lifts these days is growing, too. More and more people now have the advantage of customizing lifts to suit their homes, and mobility needs.
Warren County Ceiling Lifts | Advantages for People
Every year, primary caregivers experience injuries from trying to lift people. Bending over and hoisting someone up puts tremendous strain on back muscles. In hospitals, it usually takes two or more to lift people. If you are looking after someone at home, you are probably the only caregiver most of the time. Lifts do all the work of lifting for you, and are safer for caregivers and the people using them. Because they lift gently, and cradle people in a swing or harness, there is no unnecessary jostling. People with arthritis or who experience pain from harsh movement benefit greatly from lifts.
For anyone who needs extra help, but wants to stay in their own home, lifts can make this a reality. Ceiling or overhead lifts make getting in and out of bed easier, for users as well as caregivers. They offer freedom of mobility around the house. You can install tracks from room to room if desired. The user can travel safely along the track, and the sling supports all their weight, meaning less injuries for caregivers. Lifts can be permanent or portable, depending on the home, and customized to tailor fit individual needs. Everyone deserves to stay home if they want to, and live an independent lifestyle with quality and dignity. For more information on products and installation, contact a Warren County ceiling lifts specialist today.