Electrical Safety Tips

Electrical distribution and lighting equipment have been involved in numerous home fires year after year. According to authorities, they have caused death injuries as well as property damage. Below are some fire safety tips for your electrical system. –         ...

Safety Tips for Your Home Heating Equipment

According to statistics, home heating fire deaths are usually caused by fires that began when flammable items are too close to heating equipment. To help protect your home from fire accidents, here are some tips. –          Use your oven only to cook food and...

Safety Tips for Your New-to-you Home

One of the most parts about getting to know your new home is its safety.  According to Capt. Rob Kivell of the Oak Bay Fire Department, prevention of the occurrence of fire starts with the home’s basic operations. Below are some fire safety tips that you need to take...

Tips on How to Prevent Home Fires

As temperatures start to drop, incidents of home fires increase. But then according to firefighters, there are a lot of simple ways to prevent such accident. Below are some tips. –          Check your smoke detector and make sure it is working properly....

Tips on How to Prevent Home Invasion

According to report, there have been several incidents of home invasion for the last couple of months. For one, this can be a frightening situation which is why the deputy from the Jefferson County offers some tips on how to react to home invasion. –         ...