Physical Exercises Reduces Seniors’ Falls

According to a report made in Cochrane Reviews by Lesley Gillespie, MD, and her colleagues from the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, group exercise reduced fall risk by 15% and at-home physical activity lowered it by 22%. With nearly one-third of elderly...

Independent Senior Citizens Safety Measures

It is admirable how some senior citizens can actually manage to live independently. However, given that their senses are not as keen as they used to be, it is important that they subscribe to various safety measures to ensure that they can live securely while they are...

Keeping a Burglar Off Your Property

Wireless Home Security designer FrontPoint offers tips on how homeowners can preserve and maintain a safe environment for their families in their houses. They say that in order to keep a burglar out of your property, you must first try and think like one. After doing...

Securing Your Safety in Your Home

One can never be too confident when it comes to home safety – no matter how wholesome your neighborhood may be, there are other various risks that you simply cannot ignore. In securing your family’s safety in the house, you have to take into account...