by Back Home Safely | Dec 9, 2013 | Chair Lifts NJ
Not all hospitals have senior care unit and that’s a terrible lack. At Clinton Memorial Hospital that disadvantage is being remedied already. The hospital is opening its own senior care unit. The new unit is aimed to help with senior psychiatric care. According...
by Back Home Safely | Dec 8, 2013 | Chair Lifts NJ
Seniors tend to feel lonely during the Christmas season. This is especially true if they are living away from their families. That’s why students and staff from Keystone College would like to cheer them up a bit. They are playing secret Santa to the seniors...
by Back Home Safely | Dec 4, 2013 | News for People with Disabilities
The feeling of neglect can be extremely traumatic for senior citizens. As people age, we may feel less needed by our younger loved ones and this emotional condition may lead to worse cases such as depression and the instinct to recoil from society. In order to...
by Back Home Safely | Dec 4, 2013 | Home Safety NJ
A mere heat discomfort can lead to even worse outcomes such as dehydration and heat stroke. This can be particularly dangerous for older adults whose bodies’ tolerance against these complications have significantly decreased through time. In order to protect...
by Back Home Safely | Nov 26, 2013 | Home Safety NJ
Times can be hard on senior citizens, particularly since they no longer work to receive a steady income. As a result, whatever money they receive or have left, from pensions or savings, is allocated to pay for basic necessities and healthcare costs. They then have to...