by Back Home Safely | Aug 7, 2015 | Home Safety NJ
Many home conditions have proven to be unsafe for the elderly. In order to keep your senior citizen companions safe and free from harm while they are in the house, be sure to observe fall prevention measures, such as keeping the floor clear of rugs and other objects,...
by Back Home Safely | Aug 6, 2015 | Home Safety NJ
Older generations did not have as many options as senior citizens today. Back in the day, when an elderly did not have a relative, or anyone, to provide care, her only resort was to move to a nursing facility, but nowadays, more and more seniors are opting to stay at...
by Back Home Safely | Aug 5, 2015 | Home Safety NJ
Timely medical attention saves lives. A senior citizen, therefore, who suffers a fall may end up attaining greater damage, financially and health-wise, if a carer fails to assist her soon after a fall. Common risk factors for senior falls include their fall history,...
by Back Home Safely | Aug 4, 2015 | Home Safety NJ
There are a lot of outdoor activities that many senior citizens truly enjoy on summers. However, amidst all the celebration and enjoyment, it is also very important that they, and their companions, observe safety measures to protect them from the harmful effects of...
by Back Home Safely | Jul 28, 2015 | Home Safety NJ
The summer heat can have multiple adverse effects to the young and the old alike. However, the elderly members of your community tend to be more vulnerable to the sun’s harmful effects, which is why checking on them is very important. Remind them to drink plenty...