by Back Home Safely | Sep 5, 2015 | Home Safety NJ
When it comes to securing senior citizen safety, it is essential that every potential risk is identified and dealt with. For some, the safest option would be to move to a retirement community or into an assisted-living facility. But, more and more are also looking...
by Back Home Safely | Sep 3, 2015 | News for People with Disabilities
According to a study conducted by the Northern California Institute for Research and Education, spending too many hours in front of a TV screen might raise the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers examined the relationship between sedentary...
by Back Home Safely | Sep 2, 2015 | Home Safety NJ
A wait-and-see attitude may not actually be the best course of action for those people who are about to entire a retired life. If you want to have the opportunity to custom-build a retirement that will suit not only your likes and desires but also you needs, you must...
by Back Home Safely | Aug 27, 2015 | Home Safety NJ
There are a lot of reasons why senior citizens are being targeted by Internet scammers and identity thieves. As a matter of fact, these defrauders can go after anyone especially that most elderly people who got scammed don’t report to the authorities that they were...
by Back Home Safely | Aug 24, 2015 | Home Safety NJ
As temperatures continue to rise, many people come out to enjoy the last months of summer. But for senior citizens, doing so requires necessary precautions as they are at risk for a heat stroke. Below are some tips on how to keep elderly people safe during summer...