by Back Home Safely | Jan 30, 2017 | Home Safety NJ
If you have family members who age in place, it is always a good idea to upgrade the lighting to make the home not only safer but also more comfortable. Below are some tips that will help you create a safer home with better lighting. Provide more ambient lighting in...
by Back Home Safely | Jan 14, 2017 | Home Safety NJ
Unfortunately, senior citizens remain to be a prime target for con artists in our community today. To make sure crime is reduced, we need to take simple measures to protect our family members especially our elderly relatives. Below are some tips on how we can keep our...
by Back Home Safely | Jan 10, 2017 | Home Safety NJ
Now that winter has finally kicked in, it’s time for everyone to be thinking about the safety of our senior loved ones during the colder months. To ensure the safety of your elderly people, here are some tips on how they can experience a more enjoyable and safe winter...
by Back Home Safely | Jan 5, 2017 | Home Safety NJ
Last January 13, a free medical program was held in Ocean City. During the event, experts from the AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Trauma Center shared some tips on how elderly people can avoid falls and accidents. According to AtlantiCare’s trauma program manager...
by Back Home Safely | Jan 2, 2017 | Home Safety NJ
We all know that elderly people are usually the ones susceptible to foodborne illness. Because of their weakened immune system, we need to make sure that the food they eat is not only healthy but also safe. Apart from evaluating old family recipes, here are some tips...